英語エッセイ第97話のテーマは、My private English lessons - part 5 (私の英語の個人レッスンーその5)です。私はニューヨークで、素敵な2人の女性の先生に、英語の個人レッスンを受けることが出来ました。そんなレッスンの話、5回目の今日は、先生の1人の、よしのさんと共に、1人のアメリカ人女性に会いに行きました。さて、どんなハプニングが待ち受けていることでしょうか。今週も、もちろん実話です。


Oh ! My God Story NO. 97

My private English lessons - part5

In the lesson with Yoshino,

 some unexpected things happened to me.
I will give you an example.

I used to think

that I was too shy to speak English with American.
I was shy because I couldn't speak English well.
Yoshino said one day,

"I have an American friend and I want to introduce to you."
Then she took me to a restaurant near by.

There was a woman in the restaurant

who was waiting for us.
Yoshino used to teach her Japanese.
Her name was Meagan.
I had an interesting experience there.

Meagan spoke Japanese fluently.
I was impressed.
A foreigner speaks Japanese.

It is enough for me to be impressed.
I praised her by saying,

"you speak Japanese very well."

But she replied in Japanese with a blush rising to her cheeks.
"hazukashii-desu" (I'm embarrassed.)

Oh, why ?
Her Japanese was very good for a non-Japanese speaker.
So why are you shy?

Then I realized that it was unnecessary for her to feel shy.
Since then, I started to think like this.
I don't have to feel shy even if I speak broken English.

Because Americans will think like this when they hear my English.
He is a foreigner.

He must have worked hard to speak English.
Actually, many Americans try to listen to my broken English.

Thanks to Yoshino, I came to think this way.
My consciousness was shifted by the grace of Yoshino.

Oh ! My God.

un-expected=予期しない  thing=事   happen=起きる
I will give you an example=例えば、こんな事があった
used to=(以前は)そうだった、常だった  too shy =すごく恥しい
well=上手に  one day=ある日  iwant to〜=〜したい
ntroduce=紹介する  take=連れて行く  
nearby=すぐ近くの  was waiting =待っていた  interesting =面白い  
experience=経験、体験   fluently=流暢に、スラスラと
be impressed=感動した  foreigner =外人  enough =充分
be impressed=感動する   praise=賞賛する、ほめる
replied=reply答える の過去形  blush赤らめる  cheeks=ほお
blush rising to her cheeks=赤面して  
"hazukashii-desu"=ハズカシイデス  embarrass=恥しい思いをさせる
non-Japanese speaker=日本人以外で日本語しゃべる人
realize=悟る、はっきり理解する  unnecessary=必要ない
feel=感じる  Since then=その時以来  like this=このように
have to=必要である  even=であっても  
broken English=下手な英語、メチャクチャな英語  Because=なぜなら  
hear=聞く  work hard =頑張って  Actually,=現に、実際
try to listen to 〜=〜を聞いてくれようとする  
Thanks to Yoshino=よしのさんのお蔭  this way=こんな風に
consciousness =意識、自覚   was shifted=移す、転ずる、変える
