英語エッセイ第93話のテーマは、My private English lessons - part 1(私の、英語の個人レッスンーその1)です。私はニューヨークで、良い英語の先生に学ぶことが出来ました。今回からは、そんな私の英語レッスンでの笑い話です。さて、どんな話しが出ることやら・・・! 今週も、もちろん実話です。

Oh !  My God Story NO. 93

My Private English Lessons - Part 1

I have taken English lessons in New York

from two female teachers for about two years.
But I didn't go to a school.
It was all private lessons.
The lesson was once a week,

the total of twice a week, and was at my office.

One of the teachers is Joan Hall who is an American.
She is a famous collage designer in USA.
Her collage was introduced in "Time" magazine many times.

The other teacher is Yoshino.
She is a wonderful flutist and an interpreter.

They both live in New York City.
I have many pleasant memories

and funny stories with these teachers.
Let me tell you about those stories.

To be continued.

private =個人的な、プライベートな  take=〜を学ぶ、(レッスンなどを)受ける  
female =女性の、雌(メス)の  once a week=週に1回
twice a week=週に2回   One of the teachers =先生の1人は
Joan Hall =ジョーン・ホールさん。ニューヨーク在住の有名なコラージュのデザイナー
famous=有名な   collage designer=コラージュ・デザイナー
was introduced =紹介された   "Time" magazine =雑誌タイム
many times=何度も 、何回も  The other teacher=別の先生は 
Yoshino=よしの ニューヨーク在住の素晴らしいフルート奏者
flutist=フルート奏者   interpreter=通訳   
They both =2人とも  live=住んでいる
pleasan=楽しい   memory=思い出  funny=面白い
story=話し  To be continued=次回に続く......
