Oh ! My God Story NO. 65

Japanese people are shy.

Japanese people seem to be shy.
A English teacher in New York once said,
"Most Japanese don't try to speak English

if they think they can't speak well."

On the contrary, South American people speak English no matter what.
So they start to speak English right away.
Of course、their English is broken English.

Indians, Chinese and French, they all speak English with a heavy accent.
An American said,
  "I go crazy when I have a conversation with French for a while."
  and "I get very tired."
This is how difficult it is to understand what they are saying.

Japanese think that English must be spoken

with the correct pronunciation and grammar.
What serious folks Japanese are!

Even so, it takes a long time to learn English.
I want to speak English like South American people.
I want to throw shame away.

I want to throw shyness away.

I want to throw perfection away.


"Nishitani, don't worry.

Your English is still bad enough to be shy."

Oh ! My God.

shy=恥しがりや、引っ込み思案   once =以前、かつて、一度
most=多くの   try =試みる  speak well.=ちゃんと話す、うまく話す
On the contrary,=それにひきかえ  South American people =南米の人たち
speak English no matter what=ムチャクチャな英語でもドンドン喋る
right away=すぐに  broken English=ヒドイ英語  
Indians, Chinese and French=インド人も中国人も、フランス人も
a heavy accent=すごい訛(なま)り  I go crazy: 頭がおかしくなる
conversation=会話  for a while=しばらくの間  tired=疲れる
difficult=難しい  correct =正しい、正確な
pronunciation=発音  grammar=文法  
must be spoken =話さなければならない  serious=まじめな
folk=民族  Even so, =でもそれでは
it takes a long time to learn English=英語は何時まで経っても上達しない
want to 〜=〜したい
throw 〜 away=〜を捨てる  shame =恥  shyness=引っ込み思案
perfection=完璧  don't worry=心配はない
Your English is still bad enough to be shy=あんたの英語は充分に恥しいよ
