Oh !  My God Story NO. 86   

Taking an advantage of being in New York - part2

That night, I went to a restaurant bar in my neighborhood with two women.
One of them was YOSHINO, who is a flutist,
and the other was my good friend A.

YOSHINO brought one of her latest CD with her

and gave it to a bartender.
We have been to this bar several times.

So we all know each other.
The bartender played YOSHINO's CD right away.

There was a black man

looked like a blue-collar right next to us.
He was having a drink by himself.
He was wearing a hat and looked rather poor.
I thought he was just having a drink

after a long day of his physical labor.

"Can I see that CD?"  

This guy asked a bartender.
They seemed to know each other very well.
We whispered to each other,

"Look, a man next to us is looking at YOSHINO's CD."

Surely, we had no idea

that this man was an internationally famous drummer.

To be continued.

Taking an advantage of being in New York - part2=ニューヨークの利点 その2
neighborhood=近所  One of them=その1人は   YOSHINO=よしの
(ニューヨーク在住の日本人女性ミュージシャン)  lutist=フルート奏者
 the other =もう1人は  good friend =親友  
brought=持ってきた(bring持ってくる の過去)  latest CD =最新CD
gave=与えた、あげた  a bartender=店員  several times=何回か
each other=お互いに  play=(CDなどを)かける
There was 〜=〜が居た、〜があった  
look like=〜の様に見える、〜風の  a blue-collar: 肉体労働者  
He was having a drink by himself=彼は1人で飲んでいた
was wearing a hat =帽子をかぶっていた
look=見える  rather =かなり、とても  poor=貧乏  
thought=思った(think思う の過去)  
just having a drink after a long day of his physical labor=
"Can I 〜?=〜していいですか?  guy=男性、奴
seem〜=〜のよう  very well=非常によく
we had no idea 〜= まさか〜とは  
internationally famous=世界的に有名な
drummer=ドラマー  To be continued.次回に続く
