Oh !  My God Story NO. 76

What's good in New York

I think that Japanese general merchandise and home appliances

are better than those made in America.
But there is something better in America.
One of them is found in the natural food.

In New York, you will find a lot of things which you don't find in Japan.
For example, ice cream made of soy milk.
It is very tasty.

Soy ice cream is almost as tasty as regular ice cream.
I haven't seen soy ice cream in Japanese natural food stores yet.
I'm surprised to see so many different kinds, about fifty, of soy milk.

You don't find cheese made of tofu in Japan
Americans eat hard tofu.
Imitation meat and milk have much better taste than Japanese ones.
These are all made of soybean.

There are many different kinds of natural juice and they are cheap, too.
The variety of non-oil food is wide.
New York is convenient for someone like me

who basically eats natural food.

America is a paradise for diet food lovers.
But there is a reason for that.

Do you know about this report?
The other day,

the annual national survey in the beginning of the year was announced.
America's number 1 wish for this year is diet.
The second is exercise.

It's true that a lot of Americans are overweight.
That's why diet food in America is advanced.

By the way, "Have you ever had non-oil cheese?"
I wouldn't recommend this.
Did you say, "How does it taste?"
In my opinion, it tastes like Okama who is a man without a masculine quality.

Oh !  My God.

 What's good in New York  ニューヨークのいい所
think=思う  general merchandise : 雑貨  home appliances : 電化製品
better than   より優れている、より良い  One of them =その中の一つは
found=find見る の過去  the natural food=自然食品
a lot of=たくさんの  thing=物  For example, =例えば
ice cream =アイスクリーム  soy milk= 豆乳  tasty=美味しい
haven't seen =見ない  yet=まだ  
so many different kinds=とてもたくさんの異なった種類の
about fifty=およそ50の  
cheese made of tofu =豆腐で作ったチーズ
eat=食べる  hard=硬い  Imitation=模造品
Imitation meat and milkー肉もどきと乳製品もどき
soybean=大豆  There are 〜=〜がある  natural juice =自然の果汁(ジュース)
cheap, too=も安い   variety =数々の異なったもの
non-oil food=ノンオイル食品  wide=幅広い、各種あり
convenient=便利   for someone like me =私のような人間にとっては  
basically =要するに、つまり   paradise=楽園
for diet food lovers=ダイエット食品愛好家にとって
a reason for that=そうなった理由  report=レポート、調査報告、報道
The other day, =先日    annual =恒例の  national survey =世論調査  
in the beginning of the year =年初めの  was announced=発表された
wish for this year =今年の抱負、願い   exercise=エクササイズ、運動
It's true that ~ =確かに〜だ  overweight:太っている
(fatというより、失礼でない言い方)  that's why ~ : それで〜なる  
advanced= 進んでいる  By the way, =ところで
have = 食べる という意味もある  
"have you ever had non-oil cheese?"=ノンオイルのチーズって食べた事ある?
recommend=勧める、推薦する  taste=味  how does it taste? : どんな味かって?
in my opinion =私の意見を言わせてもらえば
it tastes like 〜=〜のような味がする  Okama=オカマ
masculine/feminine : 男らしい/女らしい  quality=特性、属性
